The difference this time, in London AND DC, is that these "protests" were not organic, they were highly organized by the radical islamist terrorists. They were meant to divide and cause chaos. They were in support of genocide.

They were NOT peaceful. They were pushed by the deep state globalists.

Here, they were actually an attempt at a takedown of our government. It was a violent insurgency. It is ongoing, like the riots of 2020, that were also not peaceful, but were orchestrated by the deep state using antifa and the terrorist group "black lives matter".

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Liked: "As long as one faction is trying to denigrate and dominate another, there is likely no path to peace," as "a most undesirable obliteration of all opposition" os not really peace, is it?

praying for "someone" who can broker world peace. ❤️

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We have that "someone". The global regime do not want peace. The CIA and the US deep state WANT war.

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What really hit home for me was that we had American Cowboys going to Israel to help out their side!

That would be because of the centuries of brainwashing we received in Sunday School about "God's People!! There are two men on the forefront of correcting the misconception that the "God" of the Old Testament is the Creator of All.....NOT!!! These two men are Hebrew Scholar, Mauro Biglino with his book "Gods of The Bible" & Anglican Priest, Paul A Wallis with his series of "Eden" books!! How does one undo centuries of programming??? ;-0

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My problem is, no matter what the good intensions are in marching for peace in Palestine. I as a conscious, responsible and peace-loving person I could not join a march that calls for the anhelation of a whole race of people. They knowingly or unknowingly are marching in sympathy with known terrorist groups that most defiantly don't have the Palestinian peoples interests at the heart of their supposed struggle against apartide and tyranny. We know full well that they impose their own special kind of tyranny on the poor Palestinian people but, this uncomfortable truth is not acknowledged or indeed mentioned by radical left and on the MSM because it doesn’t fit with their agenda of hate and anti-Semitism. I certainly have no love for the regime in Israel either because as has been eluded, they're playing their part in the Zionist globalist agenda and banking cartel of world domination. But as usual it’s the innocent from both sides of the divide are the ones that suffer and bleed for the poison and deadly agenda of both sides. In my humble opinion, the marches are NOT peaceful in nature, how can chanting "From the river to the sea, Palatine will be free" be a peaceful chant. They are pushed by the deep state globalists agenda.

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"If this protest had been a mix of Palestine and Israel flags jointly demanding an end to war and the promotion of humanitarian values, then it would have been remarkable and potent in a different way. That unity alone would have changed the world." It is so true! People of all nations - Unite!

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I believe that God gave you great wisdom Martin, bless you😇

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Thank you Martin-a thoughtful piece with much to mull over. The Anglo-Zionist project, like all of its nefarious siblings kills ordinary men, women and children, leaving the predator class richer and more powerful than ever, and so the cycle continues. History is written by the victors and the present similarly distorted by them. Only good people standing together can hope to change the future.

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Same here Martin. I just felt it was organised by 'team evil' to try and crank up a civil war on the streets. As you say, a march for peace for both the innocent Palestinian and Israeli citizens would have been a much better idea and would have got my support.

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How long has this been going on? How many wars have we had in the last 200 years? Every time I think I’ve seen or heard everything, I find out something new. “Israel will be last.” We, the innocent People in the world, are expendable. We are “useless eaters” to them. Look back at history. How many wars were started in the same manner? There were no wars for four years while POTUS45 was in office, and our enemies hated him for that. How many years were we in the Middle East after 9-11, 20+? Did you notice these people who lived in the Kibbutz housing weren’t a rich people? They will do the same here to get us more involved. Now, our involvement is very hush-hush. A helicopter with five of our Special forces had to die because of this, and I’m sure there are more we don’t know about. I will never forgive our scumbags for doing this to them - all these needless wars for MONEY and EVIL INTENTIONS and the loss of all our brave men and women, and when they return, they treat them worse than they would an animal. There are no members of our society who should be treated better than our troops and veterans. They and their families should get the best care, and they should want for nothing. There’s Deep State running almost every country in the world, and we knew this was coming, but we just didn’t know how they were going to start the wars, and we know the chaos that’s ahead and why they’re inundating our countries with terrorists and fighting-aged men. We’re 👁️you! We see and know everything. High praise for the innocent Brazilians, Spain, Hungary, and Poland’s Patriots. I was in awe of all their Patriots who showed up to show what the real Patriot numbers are. There are more of us than them. I hope we do the same here one day. StrengthInNumbers! Stand strong!

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