This may be your best, most compelling, yet. Thanks warrior!

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I resonate completely with every single word--thank you so very much. Yes, Love IS why we keep going, and I would not have signed up consciously for any of the super challenging circumstances my husband and I have weathered in the fifty years since we originally met , yet ALL of them, including this wild and wooly time in the history of the world have brought us closer to our Creator, to ourselves and each other. We would walk over hot coals for to help a child and I pray people wake up to see that your friend is correct in that all of this insanity is about harming children and the rest of us needing to step up to protect them from harm.

If you originated 'Fooked Up Yet Still Fantastic', you had better get it on a t-shirt before someone else does. Plus I would be your first sale, since in my very humble opinion, I remain at least as fantastic as I am fooked up. I will use the G word and tenderly say, "God bless you, Martin."

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So lovely I can say no better. But I'd be the second purchaser, hard to think of something I haven't fooked up in life yet - yup, fantastic (largely because of those lessons learned). GOd bless you both.

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Another great article Martin. And it's worth noting that we express our love via our "Attention". Rather than trying to define the undefinable (love), I find this to be the nearest approximation to what it really is. What we give our attention to is what we're telling the universe/creator that we "love" and want more of...

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Great article! I especially liked the 5th and 6th paragraphs, which I shared on FB with the link. Thank you, Martin! and God bless you. With agape love, in Christ, Shelley

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"The individualists see the divine in each soul, which demands personal liberty.... We are willing to sacrifice ourselves to protect the weak, but we are not willing to sacrifice others for the sake of ideology.... Love is why we keep on going and won’t stop." -- Thank you for saying this out loud. Truth perfectly said. ~ K

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I'm not jabbed but I'm not going to judge or condemn those that took it.

A whole lot of very good people took it and they are now some of the most diehard opponents of it.

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I have always found your writings stimulating, thought-provoking, affirming and ruthlessly honesty. Thank you. This article is the best yet for me, as someone who refuses to join the herd. so much so that I have become a paid subscriber - and I know you need financial support at this time. Bless you Martin.

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Wow. You're on fire. Bravo For the children worldwide we love, nurture and will always protect. Onwards and upwards in love. ♥️☀️

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PS Not only do I resonate with every word, but also the incredible image you were able to see in a way that touched me with generational connection, since my ancestors lived on your islands....WOW

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Interesting comments, as always your words inspire good discussion.

Let us love, and Godspeed!

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Yes, It is about the children. Thank You Martin, and Blessings to you.

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Great stuff... but for what it's worth, the opposite of love is fear; even the logic of your own analysis here shows this. Indifference has little motive force, by definition. The ultimate attraction is love, and the ultimate repulsion is fear. That is why they use fear - to usurp our natural inclination to love. Indifference is, literally, irrelevant.

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While these conclusions appear self evident, they are not. Martin has it right; indifference is the energetic opposite of love. If we substitute love with the "G-word," then indifference is to deny the existence of God. God is All That Is, All That Was, and All That Will Ever Be. Indifference asserts God, or love, does not exist. Hatred and fear are attacks against God, but are not energetic opposites.

"They use fear" to siphon energy and to suppress ascension. Fear will evoke a flight or fight biologic response (cortisol, adrenaline and other hormones), which when overstressed becomes exhausted, with debilitation and dis-ease onset as a consequence.

Indifference is not irrelevant. Indifference (not feeling cared for) is a leading contributor to suicide and attempted suicide.

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Oh I still disagree, thank you for spelling out your position though: indifference really isn't energetic when you really think it through - it is in fact the absence of a sense of energy. By all means substitute the G word, my point stands: fear is literally the delusion that G does not exist, and that all will not be well - fear is the embodied activation of that delusion. Without that delusion at times, we embodied might just stand still and be eaten by predators, so it has its place. And you misunderstood my use of 'indifference is irrelevant' - perhaps I worded it badly. Indifference encompasses the sense of irrelevance - that something is simply not worth the bother. As I said, that cannot be the opposite of love - it is simply the neutral stance between love and fear - the halfway point if you will. Thanks for engaging - interesting if somewhat abstract stuff, but important when we consider how crucial foundations are to what we build on them.

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