Very enlightening! It seems, then, that our school boards are also cartels. When we advised them (blew the whistle) through public meetings of the harms they were inflicting on our children with (unconstitutional) Covid mandates requiring masks, social distancing, etc. and they ignored our charges and/or deflected blame to orders from the State/Federal cartels, they are complicit. ALL OF THEM! How do we make sure they are held to account?? Also, of interest…I just watched a clip of G Edward Griffin describing the Federal Reserve as a cartel. Gives whole new meaning to Trump's executive order designating cartels as terrorists, subject to military intervention. WOW!!! FAFO!!!!

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Goodness and mercy prevails and we pray children will no longer be caught in the crossfire.

Thank you for sharing this important information and your beautiful photos as always.

Hope is my star...

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cartel analyst -- brill!!! i am also a dissident writer who loves Martin's way with words and insights into our messed-up world (my own Substack is called Galactic Grad School, one of my recent columns was "From the Left to the Light," which was republished on goldenageofgaia.com

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Forgive me if I'm wrong, but does the RICO act cover this? This link is an analysis of the setup of the RICO act. It's one of my favorite videos of the war. Thankyou again for your analysis Martin


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Martin thank you for this light on what we need to know as we go forward. People need to look at whose Cartels they belong to and who they are supporting and that includes where they spend their money. We all need to be willing to change and stop supporting the corporations that support the CABAL.

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Whoa. Martin, you have just caused my mind to explode. This is incredible. I don't know what the status of the Brunson case is, but your analysis puts a whole new level of importance to this.

Do UK public officials take an oath as do government employees here in the US? I believe Brunson rests on calling to account politicians who took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the US yet did not do anything to investigate possible election fraud when there was obvious evidence of such. Violation of oath for the politicians and also bureaucrats made them vulnerable for at least removal from office and maybe treason.

However, what you are saying is that almost the entire governmental structure from Federal to Local governments, including pretty much all politicians and bureaucrats were *actually* all members of the election fraud cartel which is part of the overall Cartel acting against the People. Where they *were* mostly subject to civil penalties and the group named in Brunson basically included the named politicians only, now they are all subject to the Law of War, from Congress all the way down to the Local level.

Q made a big thing of both the oaths and the Law of War. Perhaps this is why, or at least one reason why. And Assange wasn't kidding when he said that 99% of all of those in Washington DC are complicit. Anyone associated with that election fraud and the Russia Hoax including people in the UK and China and all those associated with the Ukraine corruption and its Covid fraud and, and, and.

We only need to prove we have been attacked, which is easy, and then simply enumerate and prove all the associations with their associating events, which is far easier than obtaining justice for all the individual "conspiracies" we would otherwise have had to prove to bring individual malefactors to justice.

This makes it all one big bag of rot, both inside and outside the government, both here in the US and in just about every other country on Earth. "Are you inside or are you outside the bag?" is the only status that needs to be proved.


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