Fabulous article, really captures the essence of Eddy the man, Eddy the warrior and the sheer dystopian tyranny that 'they' inflicted on the innocent, through a humongous scam. 🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you for going through the torment to give us your insight Martin. Eddie, what an incredible man. He's ten times the man that is "Fuck Your Freedom" Arnold Schwarzenegger.

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💔 Brought back much, we are are still healing. Telling and hearing our stories is vital to the process. Thank you Martin, God Bless Eddy Ellwood.

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I too am an empath and relate to the reference; 18 months to recover from the punch. Apparently I take longer than the 18 months. I have my own horror story over here in Chynada. At this juncture I don't feel I will ever recovery fully. Perhaps with the power of Nature's healing and Grace we can find peace and healing when this flips.

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Do everything you can to stay healthy and stay in the game cuz after the dark turns to light, we are going to have a hell of a party. We’re going to celebrate for a year, and life thereafter will be a celebration! “Life said I’ll make you happy, but first I’ll make you strong!” 💃🏻🍸🍾🎉🎊

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Beautiful. Thankyou “but how strong must we be” said grasshopper?

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The 16-year plan here was for B0 to serve 8 years and start the plan to destroy us, and then Hr(C) was supposed to use the next eight years to finish us off, WWIII, THE END, but they were so arrogant, they didn’t cheat enough, and we showed up in droves, and P0TUS45 won. His first years were to show us what we could have, should have had, rebuilding American pride, values, culture, etc. In 2020, the cheating was out of this world. They cheated so bad, JB got 81m votes, which was virtually impossible, but that’s okay, they all gladly took the steal. You-all will find out soon enough the magnitude of the steal. I think they fully expected the cheat in 2020, but that was to fully document the steal. The next four years was to show us who the enemy is, RINOs, traitors, corrupt institutions (and we’re still learning more and more every day), and the completion of their plan to destroy us. Does anyone for one second not believe - and I’m speaking for America, although I’m sure there are other countries involved - that we don’t have a brilliant strategic plan to save our country? That we would let the lives of all our military men and women to have died in vain fighting for their countries. We were told everything that’s happened and is going to happen by many different sources. We were told to expect the WWIII scenario (it was part of their plan), and it’s happening, and it’s hard not to be scared even though we know the playbook once in awhile, but that’s human nature, and we were told it was going to get tough, and it will, but let’s not think the worst unless the worst happens. Fight to stay strong, and remember the game ain’t over until the fat lady sings. We just played out a beautiful strategic plan in The House, getting rid of a RINO, electing, hopefully, one of our own to be the Speaker. It was priceless! Before it was a game between the two parties, oh, it’s your turn to have the House and Senate, optics, optics, optics, lies, deceit. Check-fricken-mate! Stay strong!

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Another excellently researched and written info article......I had no idea this kind of thing has happened. It makes it crystal clear we are slaves to the state , that they can easily overrule actual laws with their constructed bullshit legislation is really disturbing. God damn those corrupt legal assholes. That Mr Ellwood actually paid for a liar/lawyer to represent him only to have him bite the hand that feeds , is utterly horrific.

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Martin, I am so very sorry for the losses that have piled up on so many people, like you, who have been willing to fight for their rights and empowerment as sovereign, free people, while others stood by and let them get buried alive in injustices, threats , and with violations of their freedom , deaths of people who were unable to stand up for themselves who they loved, and the suffering and inhumane treatment lobbed at their communities. Eddy and you are both heroes and I hope we will all be celebrating the heroes of this war. Hang in there and know you are in good company, Sharon

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The Eddy’s of the world are the real heroes. We had a couple gym owners in New Jersey too who were raked over the coals, and they stayed in the fight. Heroes like Katherine Engelbrecht, truethevote.org, and Gregg Phillips, both credited for 2000 Mules and more, have had one lawsuit after the other for years. Owen Shroyer, RealAmericasVoice, a citizen journalist, turned himself into prison today, innocent J6 prisoners, Tommy Robinson, and more are suffering from exercising their Constitutional rights. You know when they’ve hit the target. As for the COVID/jabs, my distrust for big ph@rMa began long before COVID. I would hear things every now and then about forced childhood vaccines, and I couldn’t understand brand-new little bodies getting cancer, and where did all these autistic kids come from, etc. I don’t know. My sister and I grew up very independent, were sort of on our own at an early age, scurrying around places in Japan and Greece on our own when we weren’t home in America, always had minds of our own. Did that make a difference? I don’t know. We’ve stayed in touch with what’s going on in the world too. About seven years ago, I had access to a few sites on gab about what was happening in Europe - eventually taken down, so I’ve known what was going on there for awhile, whatever’s allowed to get through now. I said years ago, surely, this won’t happen here because we have a blueprint, Europe, but that’s before I knew a lot about the Globalists’ plan. Everything that’s happened in Europe is happening to us, the exact scenario you gave us about Eddie, everything. The only thing they haven’t taken from us that they have most other places is guns, and they’re trying every which way to get those. I think they know that will never happen here, and after what we’ve seen, it ain’t happening. They switched to Plan B. When I saw Scotland just elected a new leader,a Muslim, I said oh, crap! The writing was on the wall. If anyone thinks any elections are fair anywhere, they’re ill informed. Does anyone think America, France, Canada, etc., really had fair elections, people voted for their own demise?

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Thank you, as always.

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Hats off to Eddie a true hero.

The people that prosecuted this at the council should be named and shamed in person

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Any idea where this flick can be seen? It says "expected release date 2023" which is almost over. But also that it was released already in UK (under different name - Edd & Eddy??) THanks!

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What an amazing human is Eddy Ellwood! I want to give him a big hug! Thank you, Martin, Eddy's story is such an emotional one, I feel happy, but humbled, by the sheer love and commitment of this man. I need to plan a trip to the Durham coast just to meet him!

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