Good for you, every gardener started somehow, somewhere. I never garden without gloves, living in the south you never know what you might find as you play in the dirt. My grandparents were farmers and I find myself following in their footsteps to some degree. Right now I'm wrestling with getting egg laying chickens, with hopes that I might be able to graduate to meat breeds one day. I have to overcome a childhood fear of handling birds that stems from a parakeet that used to peck the crap out of me when I cleaned its cage, but enough about me.

Thank you once again for your insight, I love the idea of the green pill and will embrace it wholeheartedly.

You'll learn as you go along, plants have different needs/wants and seem to do best when we don't fuss with them too much. I applaud your efforts and judging from your photo you have a very joyful light about you, the plants can feel that too.

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Such joy in your photo and writing!! I am so deeply blessed to have come through two beautiful women in my mother and grandmother and their farmer parents and grandparents---both were avid gardeners who did not teach me a great deal about seeding, planting and tending as much as they showed me the genuine peace and joy of being in the natural world. Their faded garden gloves and well used trowels were symbols of being creative and gave them ways to nurture, which is truly our very nature. A beautiful bouquet of flowers and herbed vegetables on the dinner table were the genuine fruits of their labors of love.

Thank you so much for your Green Pill info--lovely and will be shared!!!

Micah 4:3

...they will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation nor will they train for war anymore...

It is time!!! Back to the garden! Please remember if you are ever in America, my husband and I welcome you to ours!

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Of note Dear Martin, U look sooo happy in that pic. In my garden with my creatures peeing hither nd yon is the only place my soul finds peace. Truly.

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Martin you are so right, and always make me smile - ‘you get it’ and your human journey is endearing to us all. I think you will be a phenomenal gardener as you will apply the same dedication and focus as you do to all things! Try the dark leafy greens and lettuces next, they are friendly and generous.

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This is right on the mark!

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Go! Green!!! ;-) ( Big Sigh & Relax!)

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We’ll put Martin as usual. Gardening is not exactly in my wheelhouse but I think I could really enjoy it with a little practice. After all, my absolute favorite color is green. Seems like a no brainer to push past just pulling weeds. Love your work❤️

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What a wonderful piece! Thank you for sharing with us! Loved and shared! :)

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OMG Martin - this is your best ever (IMO). Yes, what we are *for* rather than against (tough that against is certainly worthy of the effort).

The spiritual aspects of gardening - the elementals, biodynamics, herbs, SOIL, Rudolph Steiner, Anastasia - we can heal Mother Terra, bit by little bit. As it heals us. God bless Martin - I look forward to your green adventures.❤️

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