
One of my very favorites from you, Martin. This reads as both a personal testament, and a pathway to winning against the enemy that works relentlessly to divide us.

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Martin, thank you for speaking from your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine heart. I love it when you do this and it is always taken to my deepest spiritual place when you do. We are in a Spiritual War but we each have our purpose for choosing to be here now. We must get involved as you say in the capacity and in alignment with our life journey, skills, resources, and tools for this all to happen. What is to happen? A change in ALL LIFE and CREATION that will bring us to the next level, a new dimension of knowing regarding life and the universe, and NOTHING CAN STOP IT.

LOVE AND LIGHT dear Martin and thank you so much for sharing your life with me. Sharon

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Thank you for your diligence in the battle for our mind and souls

So agree with your outlook and looking forward to living in paradise, i vision this everyday God bless you 🙏

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Thank you Martin, as always.

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The spiritual component is, in my opinion, why the attempted assassination of Donald Trump is so problematic to those who try to navigate the clouds of mis- and dis-information surrounding it.

You would think that there are two sides (‘players’ of the ‘game’), but this just not so. There is an entirely invisible dimension to ‘reality’ as perceived by ourselves.

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Beautiful, helped to put in context today's events in my life and family life.

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24

Well said Sir, as usual. I wholeheartedly agree.

The 'waking nightmare' that has been playing out and continues to unfold has brought forth many unexpected revelations to me. The fact that the world wide establishment parasites have always been our enemy was no surprise, but the fact that my wife and two of my three daughters and all of my then friends did not 'get it' and thought me crazy most certainly was. Apart from having to deal with the psychological shocks unfolding on a daily basis I also had to handle my own anger and desire to rip the heads off of an awful lot of people, which would run completely against my 'forgiveness first, love and light' life ethics. So what to do for the best? Like you, I concluded that I had to stick with my principles and try to do no harm and live my life in a righteous fashion as best I could, come what may - try to be a power for the good as best I can, starting at home and leaving the darkness to destroy itself. In a word, acceptance. All as per the seven known stages of grief, which I have found to be very true. These start with shock/denial and move on to pain/guilt, anger/bargaining, depression, upward turn/positive thoughts, reconstruction/working through and finally, acceptance and hope (although truly, hope never left me at any time).

So where am I now? Pretty much as you described I think, trying to live on a high spiritual level and laugh at all the scurrying minions who want to steal my time and money and life energy. I'm doing better at working positively day-to-day and earning as best I can, which is in turn helping to repair a few bridges with my wife. I resolved at the beginning that I'd rather eat grass to survive than 'toe the line' of our oppressors and that I'd be content to lose everything that I owned if this meant that the world's children could finally be safe from predation. So all considered, life is going great at present in comparison to the level I'd be prepared to accept. I've also managed to park my anger and thirst for vengeance at the back of my mind somewhere and I think it's slowly dissolving away - just as there seem to be far fewer chem trails in our skies these days. So yes, just comply as little as possible to get by and throw as many spanners in the machine on a daily basis as possible (I only use cash now for example) and concentrate on surviving with my family - with battered but intact relationships.

I think that this approach will see us through to the other side of this trauma and set us up to take up a positive approach towards making this world the beautiful, caring place it should be, after the enema of evil has been accomplished. I think we've dealt with the worst and indeed, the best is yet to come - but as soon as possible pleeeeeeeease! :-)

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