Yes! It’s a process of RE-Membering our essential selves to the point we are the walking law; as in the way we ALWAYS function spontaneously to remain in honor, remove controversy, and bring remedy. If any entity claims we have a debt, such as in Martin’s case, we can simply notify them that we conditionally accept the CLAIM of debt, and await proof of said contract and our agreement to said contract. We can simultaneously put them on notice of what we are capable of paying on said CLAIM of debt in a way that will not harm us or those in our care. It’s a, “two birds with one stone” kinda thing. . . We’re remaining in honor, requiring of them proof of contract that has jurisdiction over a wo/man (not a resident, citizen, freeman, defendant, plaintiff or any other DEAD legal-fiction), and noticing them that if they go after any of our private property (bank account, land, etc. . .) beyond what i have agreed to pay, it will at that point be a trespass by way of theft! . . .I guess that’s a three-for! But you get the idea. Just another way to skin the cat as it were. . . No offense intended to cat lovers!!! ;^)
No hue of man,
#TeamMankind ✅
And I’ll take your suggestion we are EXPRESSING not fighting — love that.
“What is actually TRUE is this. . . there is NOTHING to FIGHT for. . . We all ready have, and have always had our rights intact.”
“#TeamMankind” . . .I LOVE that! ;^)
Yes! It’s a process of RE-Membering our essential selves to the point we are the walking law; as in the way we ALWAYS function spontaneously to remain in honor, remove controversy, and bring remedy. If any entity claims we have a debt, such as in Martin’s case, we can simply notify them that we conditionally accept the CLAIM of debt, and await proof of said contract and our agreement to said contract. We can simultaneously put them on notice of what we are capable of paying on said CLAIM of debt in a way that will not harm us or those in our care. It’s a, “two birds with one stone” kinda thing. . . We’re remaining in honor, requiring of them proof of contract that has jurisdiction over a wo/man (not a resident, citizen, freeman, defendant, plaintiff or any other DEAD legal-fiction), and noticing them that if they go after any of our private property (bank account, land, etc. . .) beyond what i have agreed to pay, it will at that point be a trespass by way of theft! . . .I guess that’s a three-for! But you get the idea. Just another way to skin the cat as it were. . . No offense intended to cat lovers!!! ;^)
ALWAYS function spontaneously to remain in honor, remove controversy, and bring remedy.
That would keep me outta trouble everytime 🤣