Thank you Martin for your thoughts which are interesting, as ever 🙏
I suspect the queens 911 signaling passing on, as leveraged by the global occult elite, marks very significant agendized circumstances going forward.
I ponder the idea that this event stalls DS self-serving Agenda. I tend to subscribe to the notions portrayed in such a…
Thank you Martin for your thoughts which are interesting, as ever 🙏
I suspect the queens 911 signaling passing on, as leveraged by the global occult elite, marks very significant agendized circumstances going forward.
I ponder the idea that this event stalls DS self-serving Agenda. I tend to subscribe to the notions portrayed in such as the novel The Little Drummer Girl, where the signature “doll” in bombs keep surprisingly and destructively turning up after the original (or successor) doll bomb expert antagonist is deceased…the idea being that evil, as an immortal super-intelligent conscious personality with insane annihilating agenda, transcends limited human effort (& mortality) and secures patsies from generation to generation (apparently thru elite multigenerational satanic cult families globally) to rob, kill & destroy humanity..
…all because satan basically hates humans - an epic biblical assertion with a different happy ending eclipsing satanic/DS shenanigans 🎚
Thank you Martin for your thoughts which are interesting, as ever 🙏
I suspect the queens 911 signaling passing on, as leveraged by the global occult elite, marks very significant agendized circumstances going forward.
I ponder the idea that this event stalls DS self-serving Agenda. I tend to subscribe to the notions portrayed in such as the novel The Little Drummer Girl, where the signature “doll” in bombs keep surprisingly and destructively turning up after the original (or successor) doll bomb expert antagonist is deceased…the idea being that evil, as an immortal super-intelligent conscious personality with insane annihilating agenda, transcends limited human effort (& mortality) and secures patsies from generation to generation (apparently thru elite multigenerational satanic cult families globally) to rob, kill & destroy humanity..
…all because satan basically hates humans - an epic biblical assertion with a different happy ending eclipsing satanic/DS shenanigans 🎚