Thankyou so much for all you personally have done to share your experiences and feelings. I can only speak for myself but I know many others will feel the same. We as a united force have supported eachother and will support everyone now and in the future through whatever unpleasantness, upheaval and blatant truths unveil. Sending much love and healing to you Martin. The Best Is Yet To Come. ♥️

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LOVE: "I see so many people do tediously long podcast videos with little to say. . . .value is proportional to length and production quality." Here here! Please please keep doing YOU - I love that you do not use "studio" accoutrements or makeup or dress up or any other fake things (monkey clothes we called it as kids). God bless you Martin - bon sante, continued hope and courage.

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So pleased to know that you will be there to record what is "going down"!! Sorry you were ill & glad you have recovered!!

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My attitude is that “I am who I am” and just turn up that way — 💯‼️

Thank you, looking forward to your London reports

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I love that you're continuing to talk about the LEGAL (Liege Lord - "Feudal") SYSTEM openly named by the code word "democracy". The most massive propaganda ever foisted upon the western world has been "spreading democracy around the world", which when decoded of course means increasing the number of strawman trusts (serfs) we can monetize and enslave.

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Thank you, Martin. For your gifts of hope, faith, and genuine love/charity.

So glad your feeling better.

Know you're loved.

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Thank you Martin for your thoughts which are interesting, as ever 🙏

I suspect the queens 911 signaling passing on, as leveraged by the global occult elite, marks very significant agendized circumstances going forward.

I ponder the idea that this event stalls DS self-serving Agenda. I tend to subscribe to the notions portrayed in such as the novel The Little Drummer Girl, where the signature “doll” in bombs keep surprisingly and destructively turning up after the original (or successor) doll bomb expert antagonist is deceased…the idea being that evil, as an immortal super-intelligent conscious personality with insane annihilating agenda, transcends limited human effort (& mortality) and secures patsies from generation to generation (apparently thru elite multigenerational satanic cult families globally) to rob, kill & destroy humanity..

…all because satan basically hates humans - an epic biblical assertion with a different happy ending eclipsing satanic/DS shenanigans 🎚

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Wish I could be there, but I seem to have planted myself as far away from the center of the UK's Deep State capital as possible while still being in England. Probably for my own sanity. So Hats off to you for surviving in the thick of the swamp.

VERY exciting times. With Prince Philip and the Queen gone I cannot help feel that a key piece in the DS machinery has gone, and throwing in a few spanners will break the whole putrid system. All the 17 comms coming from the new King is very heartening, as well as Truss moves to neuter the powers of the civil service.

White Hats and Q have to be in control.

Controlled demolition of UK Deep State about to begin. Hallelujah

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Thank you Martin for keeping it real! Love your authentic style, and appreciate your willingness to put yourself out there and share your perspective. You are an inspiration to many of us, and I send you many good wishes for your future endeavors! Love your pictures......amazing use of light and form! Strikingly beautiful!!!

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SO much info coming at us, and seeing your name in my inbox always means quality insight, personal experience sharing, lovely humor and a man with integrity standing up for children. Your videos and writings are concise, authentic and though this feels melancholy with the change of seasons as well as old guard, blessedly comforting. It feels heavy in my heart because my ancestors are Brits---that does not mean I am personally responsible for anyone else's actions, yet I have had a quite romantic view of life there that is being held to the light of truth. Many burials, emotions of grief and loss, and as you said in the 'toilet doors banging' video, blessed relief. You are a dear man, Martin, and my husband and I wish you well.

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Thank you Martin for getting on camera occasionally to record your observations. Conveys more and supplements the writing and photography.

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