I wonder whether the gravity of the Covid scam has shaken the public sufficiently, that even politicians and bureaucrats are beginning to see the problems, that they themselves don't experience. If so, it's a wonderful time for humanity.

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If people realised the Government murdered many thousands of vulnerable folk in care homes (C19 event) it might wake people sufficiently , paying council tax to a regime that murders vulnerable elderly people is not a good sales pitch☠️ Source: Amnesty International, "As If Expendable" (big clue in the title) and"research.net" paper DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.13654.42560 The majority of UK deaths were as a result of Government intervention not the virus and it was an intentional act that's why Hancock bought a ton of Midazolam👍Bed blockers☠️

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Many people are at the same point Martin, and you summit up perfectly:

“when those we trust turn upon us, and act out of spite for monetary gain. Once a few injustices happen in a row, it is as if an “astonishment gap” opens up, and onlookers can no longer believe what they are seeing. The dissonance is too great between our inner narrative of the functioning rule of law, and what is presented in front of us.

What is hard for lawmakers to grasp is just how far we have strayed outside of the formal boundaries of our constitution, and the protections it is meant to offer. Industrialised administrative processes, under the rubric of justice but lacking its substance, have automated fraud, extortion, and perjury. In particular, warrants are issued without any judicial mind being applied, and none of the relevant circumstantial data being considered.”

I would however have changed “those we trust” to “those that are paid to serve us” to emphasise the Looking Glass we now inhabit.

Has it always been this way or has the great scam just woken us all from our collective slumber ?🤔

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What as the outcome? Is he to be made whole in some fashion?

(sorry if I somehow missed that) ❤️

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As you know, Martin, we live in a not very big cottage. When our fuel bill soared to £750 per month I informed Octopus that I could not/would not pay it. I have paid them £100 per month for the past two years. They claim that my arrears are now in excess of £8,000 and I do wonder what will happen when they decide that they have had enough and take us to court. But, what choice does one have when your income cannot support the corrupt "menaces" that the controllers demand? As I was reading your brilliant synopsis of Andrew's physiological flogging at the hands of government and judiciary, I realised that his experience is wholly symbolised in the movie genre, "The Hunger Games". We are irrelevant to a system of slavery whose goal is to pick our bones clean. Justice is a mirage with no oasis in sight. You never mentioned the outcome of the meeting, so I assume that one is not yet apparent. Does this mean that you are hopeful that a positive outcome can be found with the help of Ms Mortimer? If so, the good news would be welcome to us all and, perhaps, an indication that things are starting to move in the right direction. We so need a small crumb of light to keep our spirits up! Once again, your indefatigable efforts are a source of amazement and I, for one, thank Source for your presence in our lives. I am so glad that you are there to support Andrew for he is fighting a battle for all of us, not just himself. And so, I send my love and gratitude to you both, very dear warriors. xxx

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we can but hope....

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