Wow, it's so refreshing to see someone practicing what he preaches, and in such a good way.
One day many years ago, I was trying to train myself to be in the moment. Instead of apologizing for a slight the next day, make it within the hour or better yet, right in the moment I caused the slight.
I was walking through a store and brushed by behind a young man, inadvertently jostling him, and instead of apologizing, I simply continued. He turned around and started berating me, obviously getting more and more worked up. So I stopped, went back over my actions, realized I had indeed jostled him improperly, and then looked him in the eye and said, "I apologize, you are correct, I did bump into you" and then simply stood neutrally and waited to see what he would do. He kept winding up for another 10-15 seconds, then realized with a kind of surprise that I had apologized in a genuine way, and gradually he calmed. We ended up having a very nice conversation for a couple minutes and parted friends. I learned that day to apologize for actual slights not just by saying I'm sorry in the moment but by saying exactly what I was apologizing for, so that the person I had slighted would know that I knew what I had done wrong.
I also never apologize when it is not needed, so that my actual apologies are genuine and for real slights. This discipline helps me keep things straight in my own mind and learn from my actual mistakes while not taking on other people's slights or inappropriate attempts at shaming toward me, which does happen, though, fortunately, rarely. A proper apology in the moment can go a long way toward healing all involved. :-)
Our DNA stores a lot of data. How else would our soul evolve and how would learn from different lifetimes otherwise. No one judges us but our higher self (future self) . Every word, action, thought recorded.
People don’t realise. Nothing outside themselves to be afraid of- it all comes from within to test us and mirrors it back to us so we can return to love and divinity.
When people realise there is no authority outside ourselves and that All our experiences are leading us back to love they start to find peace as they rebalance back to their original frequency blueprint. We are all learning in the school of earth.
The rebound actions are getting faster and faster so we can see it.
Just spend 3/4 days thinking only positive thoughts, taking only positive action and standing in love and peace and never hudging anyone especially self -regardless of what you see - you will see, understand and feel the control mechanism of our reality 🥰
Has anyone noticed the shift in Mass Consciousness??? How did we become so brainwashed?! We still don't even know who owns this planet!! But apparently, "There is a new Sheriff in town"!!
;-) Imagine the White Farmers in South Africa being protected??? Or the people of NC having their roads & bridges fixed??? Are things really being fixed where the Rubber meets the Road?!
Wow, it's so refreshing to see someone practicing what he preaches, and in such a good way.
One day many years ago, I was trying to train myself to be in the moment. Instead of apologizing for a slight the next day, make it within the hour or better yet, right in the moment I caused the slight.
I was walking through a store and brushed by behind a young man, inadvertently jostling him, and instead of apologizing, I simply continued. He turned around and started berating me, obviously getting more and more worked up. So I stopped, went back over my actions, realized I had indeed jostled him improperly, and then looked him in the eye and said, "I apologize, you are correct, I did bump into you" and then simply stood neutrally and waited to see what he would do. He kept winding up for another 10-15 seconds, then realized with a kind of surprise that I had apologized in a genuine way, and gradually he calmed. We ended up having a very nice conversation for a couple minutes and parted friends. I learned that day to apologize for actual slights not just by saying I'm sorry in the moment but by saying exactly what I was apologizing for, so that the person I had slighted would know that I knew what I had done wrong.
I also never apologize when it is not needed, so that my actual apologies are genuine and for real slights. This discipline helps me keep things straight in my own mind and learn from my actual mistakes while not taking on other people's slights or inappropriate attempts at shaming toward me, which does happen, though, fortunately, rarely. A proper apology in the moment can go a long way toward healing all involved. :-)
Great stuff. Makes you think about not being an arsehole, hahah!
And to think I was just about to cancel my subscription as I’m a bit low of funds at the moment. This just made it all worth it. Cheers, M. X
Our DNA stores a lot of data. How else would our soul evolve and how would learn from different lifetimes otherwise. No one judges us but our higher self (future self) . Every word, action, thought recorded.
People don’t realise. Nothing outside themselves to be afraid of- it all comes from within to test us and mirrors it back to us so we can return to love and divinity.
When people realise there is no authority outside ourselves and that All our experiences are leading us back to love they start to find peace as they rebalance back to their original frequency blueprint. We are all learning in the school of earth.
The rebound actions are getting faster and faster so we can see it.
Just spend 3/4 days thinking only positive thoughts, taking only positive action and standing in love and peace and never hudging anyone especially self -regardless of what you see - you will see, understand and feel the control mechanism of our reality 🥰
Has anyone noticed the shift in Mass Consciousness??? How did we become so brainwashed?! We still don't even know who owns this planet!! But apparently, "There is a new Sheriff in town"!!
;-) Imagine the White Farmers in South Africa being protected??? Or the people of NC having their roads & bridges fixed??? Are things really being fixed where the Rubber meets the Road?!