Blimey! A bit deep for an average Tuesday afternoon Martin but an interesting train of thought none-the-less; as always.
Personally, I gave up any attempt at such analysis a long time ago and have just relied upon my God given conscience to be my guide ever since. That includes permission for me to screw up now and then, and to repent and…
Blimey! A bit deep for an average Tuesday afternoon Martin but an interesting train of thought none-the-less; as always.
Personally, I gave up any attempt at such analysis a long time ago and have just relied upon my God given conscience to be my guide ever since. That includes permission for me to screw up now and then, and to repent and forgive myself afterwards.
For example, following my awakening to the perverted world of control that we live in, one part of me would love to throw every member of the parasitic, so called elite into a large pit filled with alligators. However, that just doesn't 'feel' right, so swift trials followed by summary justice are an acceptable compromise. I actually feel pity for them anyway. Such fools to trade their souls for a few transient Earthly pleasures. They really aren't very bright.
Yes, let's keep it simple.
Love one's enemy.
Treat other members of humanity the way one would like to be treated oneself.
Blimey! A bit deep for an average Tuesday afternoon Martin but an interesting train of thought none-the-less; as always.
Personally, I gave up any attempt at such analysis a long time ago and have just relied upon my God given conscience to be my guide ever since. That includes permission for me to screw up now and then, and to repent and forgive myself afterwards.
For example, following my awakening to the perverted world of control that we live in, one part of me would love to throw every member of the parasitic, so called elite into a large pit filled with alligators. However, that just doesn't 'feel' right, so swift trials followed by summary justice are an acceptable compromise. I actually feel pity for them anyway. Such fools to trade their souls for a few transient Earthly pleasures. They really aren't very bright.
Yes, let's keep it simple.
Love one's enemy.
Treat other members of humanity the way one would like to be treated oneself.
Let one's conscience be one's guide.
That'll do for me. :-)