Dear Martin….so well written and thought out by your heart and ignited Spirit that dwells within you sir. Which underlines the fact you ARE being built into the ecclesia bride of Christ whose Cornerstone is Christ in whom we are all measured from, that makes you unique and a one off in who we all need, as a body, for our benefit to grow and be encouraged. That's why I can confidently follow you and be answerable to you and the rest of the bride in whom we are a part of with our own unique God given giftings to bless others. Thank God for your gifting and courage sir!

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You Dear Martin, are a truther of the next order. Prose that makes angels smile. I like to believe my thoughts travel along the same path as yours, however, my "prose "is littered with superlatives of a lower order.( They may be limiting my ascension. ) My favorite position you take is that of not reducing the Divine into religious words and forms. I, myself left that paradigm long ago. Bravo my enlightened fren!

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incredible, as usual -- a return to individual spiritual values, not those of Mammon

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I wrote this, Martin, shortly before reading your article. Perhaps it was written in anticipation of what I was going to read, for you are putting into deeds the spirit I've tried to express in the poem.

Learn to think thoughts

that shine when they’re created

and hold their form.

These will in time condense

into material substance

and become the way

by which the world is healed.

Learn to think thoughts

that create the world of which you dream.

Then you – or others who come after you –

will step into the world that once

was imagined in your heart.

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Blimey! A bit deep for an average Tuesday afternoon Martin but an interesting train of thought none-the-less; as always.

Personally, I gave up any attempt at such analysis a long time ago and have just relied upon my God given conscience to be my guide ever since. That includes permission for me to screw up now and then, and to repent and forgive myself afterwards.

For example, following my awakening to the perverted world of control that we live in, one part of me would love to throw every member of the parasitic, so called elite into a large pit filled with alligators. However, that just doesn't 'feel' right, so swift trials followed by summary justice are an acceptable compromise. I actually feel pity for them anyway. Such fools to trade their souls for a few transient Earthly pleasures. They really aren't very bright.

Yes, let's keep it simple.

Love one's enemy.

Treat other members of humanity the way one would like to be treated oneself.

Let one's conscience be one's guide.

That'll do for me. :-)

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Timely. Makes me reflect, as an inner reminder: What are we waking up to? (Answered in your post.)

In a few days the only counsel in my state of several millions willing to stand her ground and stand up for the people who simply want not-fake processes to pick representatives, who also who wrote 6 election contests (pro bono), is being attacked and likely suspended by the local lawyer board... Martin, this writing will help me to consider how to be as the attacks come against her while I do my part to report on the matter, which few if any other reporters are likely to do fairly.

Also, the bit on Marriage is very helpful. Have printed and will read alongside my wife to see how it changes our approach.

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Correction and ammedment: Christ is the Chief Corner Stone building his church of living stones (us). In the natural I was a stone carver and frequently came to use the cornerstone to locate every other part of the building 👍

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This post is full of Truth. I would respectfully tweak the following:

As children of God we actually are the Creator - we are the Creator with voluntary amnesia, experiencing itself forever, here to marvel in the endless possibilities of our show.

Satanism is - when stripped of all its various dressings - essentially mistaking the Ego-self as the creator of anything, and elevating that identity accordingly.

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Excellent essay Martin! 🕊

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Simply put....we are each on our own Personal Journey & each person's experiences will be different. For myself, it was a BIG step realizing we no longer need to worship the Psychopath of the Old Testament!! That, in itself, led me to the conclusion that The Bible has been one of the Best Tools in the Toolbox of The Controllers!! We don't even know IF Jesus was crucified!! That's the tale we have been told & believed. Check out Joseph Atwill's "Caesar's Messiah"! Then in the book, "The Jesus Papers" we learn from Roman records that Jesus was alive in 45A.D. & bought a parcel of land outside of Alexandria!! Belief Systems are not "where it's at"....we can believe anything we want to but that doesn't make it true! Support Groups come in various forms & seem to change as life evolves!

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Have you read “Thinking and Destiny” by Harold Percival? Perhaps it’s time to. Enjoy.

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