This is so well stated., And succinctly. I have followed you since the beginning of this great awakenings thank you so much

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Wow! How wonderful to find you here, Dr Northrup! I'm so glad that you have been following Martin for as long as I have. Great minds think alike! Ha! My niece, a doctor of Chinese medicine whose practice centers on pre and ante natal care, claims you as her mentor. She "introduced" me to your work several years ago and now we swap Dr Christiane "stories". It is an honor to meet you!

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Great to see you follow Martin Dr. Northrup. You're many steps ahead of the herd and I've enjoyed all your many interviews these past few years. I do hope you join the "viruses don't exist" bandwagon soon as it's beyond obvious that the work doctors Lanka, Kaufman, Cowan, Sam & Mark Bailey, etc. have done is irrefutable in its simplicity. Recent converts include Dr. Lee Merritt and Dr. Mike Yeadon has also partially entered the building in recent months too.

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Beautifully stated, Martin! It really makes one stop and think. Especially with regard to contracts such as marriage. Interesting to ponder how different marriage would be if there were no legal contracts in place. How many heart centered unions would exist and for how long? Not to mention, of course, the many, many other contracts we live under which greatly control our comings and goings. Imagine what it would be like to be totally free of this system! It feels incredibly freeing to even ponder it for a moment! Thanks so much for your insights!

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Traveling along with you is getting very exciting, Martin. I have been studying Common Law/Contracts/Sovereignty etc for the past three years and it truly is pivotal when you realise the spiritual truth in it all. I don't think that there can be a personal transition out of 3D until that moment is reached. Imagine what Earth will be like when we all get there! It really will be the Garden of Eden. xx

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Wow. My first response to Aha moments is always Wow. This spiritual lens of seeing is beautiful and you express these distinctions in such a powerful way---gives new meaning to 'high maintainance' and new depths of joy and gratitude to the Divine Gifts we have all been given...Thank you, dear Martin~

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Thank you, Martin. I will need to watch this short video again because I was too focused on your t-shirt!

If you read this, Martin, would you please tell me where I can find a 45-squared shirt? It is awesome!

And thank you for connecting to those of us who are fortunate to have found you! :)

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You're right on it Martin, as usual. The essential trick is termed an "UNLAWFUL Conversion" where all things natural and lawful are converted into the LEGAL (Liege Lord) SYSTEM. From freedom to bondage. From living to dead. From real to fictional.

There's no more clear an example than the use of the word "Person". In any "Law" dictionary you choose you'll find there are two different types of "Persons". One, "Natural Person" which is defined just as we would expect. And two, "Artificial (or Juridical) Person" which is a LEGAL (aka "fictional) entity that includes things like corporations (talking dead), trusts, partnerships, etc. that can be "real or imaginary".

Thus, Martin Geddes is the name of the "Natural Person" (who you think you are), however ALL CAPS STYLED "MARTIN GEDDES" is the "Artificial Person" and indicates there is a trust that goes by your name. And it is this "ALL CAPS NAME trust" that is what we mistakenly act as the trustee for and that appears on all LEGAL contracts, documents, licenses, etc.

This is the "trick". All "crimes against the state" can only be adjudicated against another fictional entity because "the state" (corporation) is fictional (or dead). The dead can't associate with the "living" man. Thus, all LEGAL proceedings must SUMMONS (summonsing the dead) the "dead/fictional/artificial" entity to "APPEAR". And since a "dead entity" cannot literally "appear", a "Re-Presentative" of the fictional entity must instead "appear". And said representative is always the unwitting TRUSTEE, aka YOU.

And that's the fundamental trick.

Good times, eh?

Keep up the great work Martin!!

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💥🤯 Well said! While I’ve reluctantly and recalcitrantly participated in our California Supreme court system, to fight some awful (unlawful?) political law-fare against me, I’ve learned much. It’s an ugly, unfair and unjust system. I can imagine how it should be, but not the way to get there - yet 🤔💭

All "crimes against the state" can only be adjudicated against another fictional entity because "the state" (corporation) is fictional (or dead). The dead can't associate with the "living" man. Thus, all LEGAL proceedings must SUMMONS (summonsing the dead) the "dead/fictional/artificial" entity to "APPEAR". And since a "dead entity" cannot literally "appear", a "Re-Presentative" of the fictional entity must instead "appear". And said representative is always the unwitting TRUSTEE, aka YOU.

And that's the fundamental trick.

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You are fighting against a "COMPLAINT", which is all the dead/fictional can do -> COMPLAIN. And all the BAR attorney can do is "PLEAD" (beg and plead) by setting the dead in "MOTION". Thus, complaints, motions, pleadings are the actions of an INFERIOR ACTOR (attorney), begging another INFERIOR ACTOR ("The honorable and acting judge Smith"). It's all an "ACT" to prop-up and bring to dead/fictional to life.

However, a MAN can file a CLAIM which is superior to and must be adjudicated before a measly complaint can be heard. And a MAN cannot file a CLAIM against a fictional entity (A government, state, prosecutor, judge, agency, etc.). A MAN can only make a claim against another MAN/WOMAN. And so, you must file your own lawsuit as a CLAIM against the men and women who are ACTING in their various roles for these fictional entities. So if John Smith is say "Director of Finance" for AgencyX and Diane Jones is say the "Secretary General" for AgencyY and these are the living humans MOVING court against you, than you sue them PERSONALLY for whatever damages you have thus incurred, whether they be depravation of rights, loss of property, trespass, false imprisonment, etc. Do you see?

If you can catch hold of what I'm saying here and properly file the simplest of claims stating the obvious, you'll find 9 out of 10 times, the complaint against you will be magically dropped/dismissed.

Here's your hypothetical CLAIM lawsuit in its entirety -> I, a man, Mike Morgan have had my PROPERTY TRESPASSED and RIGHTS DEPRIVED by John Smith, acting as Director of Finance for AgencyX and Diane Jones acting as Secretary General for AgencyY. I CLAIM financial damages of $1,000,000 as enumerated in Exhibit A and $10,000,000 for mental and psychological damages perpetrated by John Smith and Diane Jones acting under color of law these past X years which have caused me to lose my relationship/job/career/etc.

You get the gist. Keep it as simple as possible, don't use any LEGALESE terms and stick to one syllable words every chance you get. Once your CLAIM is recorded and on file, the complaint moving against you must be paused until your CLAIM is adjudicated. And the likely settlement of your claim will be along the lines of you agree to withdraw your claim if they agree to dismiss their complaint. Get it all in writing of course.

All this goes out the window if you have caused any harm, loss or injury to another man/woman of course. If this is the case, you need to compensate them. But it's impossible to cause harm, loss or injury to a dead, fictional entity like "the state".

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“And so, you must file your own lawsuit as a CLAIM against the men and women who are ACTING in their various roles for these fictional entities.“



In my research, while defending myself, I read about suing those acting under color of law. The courts here are not set up for The People. The injustice of law-fare is evil.

“If you can catch hold of what I'm saying here …” barely, but I as I fought my best, I intrinsically knew there was trickery and games afoot.

Thank you for commenting, I love this!

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Here's how simple it is Mike. In the LEGAL realm, you are not 'man", you are PRESUMED to be anything and everything but a "man". For instance: Person (Artificial), Citizen, Resident, Taxpayer, Defendant, Litigant, Driver, Tenant, Petitioner, Affiant. All LEGAL "Statutes", "Acts", "Codes", "Mandates", "Decrees", "Executive Orders", etc. have power only over these FICTITIOUS legalese "entities". Never a "man" or a "woman". Read as many as you like, never once will you stumble across the word "man" or "woman" or "people".

Do you see? When you agree you are one of these words other than "Man", you then agree to fall under their JURIS-DICTION (Spoken Oath). You declare you're no longer a man, but are now a "resident", "citizen", "person", etc. in their fictional court "ACTions". And thus, these fictional entities fall under their fraudulent jurisdiction (Special Admiralty - law of the sea).

A man resides in the LAND jurisdiction. All the other words/designations in the sea of deception.

To declare "I am a man who accepts no other titles" removes you from their jurisdiction of deception. Where citizen, defendant, resident, taxpayer, etc. are all "Titles", as is "Mr. (Mister)", which is actually a "Title of Nobility", like "esquire", "Duke", "Lord", etc.

It's so simple it's utterly maddening. It's too simple. It's all a game called "Commerce", which is short for "Commercial Warfare". That's the whole of it. Your life represents energy which they then wish to extract from you in the form of time and money. This is true in all walks of life.

Anyway, it sounds like you're far down the path and have already agreed to accept these "Titles of Slavery" so that ship has sailed. However, you can at any time file your CLAIM as a MAN (who accepts no other titles) against the men/women actively trying to extract your time and money...which in the realm of true law and SANITY can simply be referred to as PROPERTY. Property that the men/women ACTING and "Re-Presenting" the fictional "state" or "agency" are TRESPASSING upon.

You could declare "Color of Law" but that complicates matters and gets you entangled into the LEGAL system, whereas you wish to remain solely within the LAWFUL system. It's just too much to explain taking that route.

Another thing you could possibly do is simply choose to remove your consent to their proceedings by getting out of whatever contract you're tied into. It's not likely, but a possibility that you could go this route. Much like getting a divorce, which in the LEGAL realm requires you to cancel a contract. Basically you're saying "I don't want to contract with this entity/agency any longer". You DO have the POWER to enter and exit contracts as per your own free will.

Anyway, the "Man on Man CLAIM" is the easiest route. Trust me, none of the ACTORS moving the court against you want to defend their actions as a MAN in a common law proceeding. They can hire all the high-powered attorneys they want. It won't help them one iota as attorneys are not trained in LAW (of the land), only in LEGAL PROCEDURE (Special Admiralty over dead/fictional entities). The man-on-man court is purely based on LAW dealing exclusively with men/women and their RIGHTS to not have their PROPERTY TRESPASSED upon, where your PROPERTY includes your time, money, labor, health, etc.

Anyway. This is the only proven technique there is. Within the LEGAL realm, there is always a chance you're going to lose, regardless of TRUTH and FACTS. That's the way it is designed to work. It's quite purposeful to protect the perps from the commoners.

Once the judge(s) see you're onto the deception, they can find myriad ways to dismiss the fraudulent lawfare case against you. Why, you might ask? Because neither they nor the attorneys want their gravy train to get exposed. As such, you can never really "win" in the LEGAL system when it comes to these "state crimes". The best you can usually do is have charges dismissed.

And the beauty of the man-on-man claim is you'll then be recognized by the LEGAL AUTHORITIES as someone not to trifle with forevermore.

Food for thought...

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Love this, thanks! And yes, owning my own business, as well as holding and running office and defending my straw-man and business in their courts, has me in it deep haha. But, I’m grateful for the experience, and proud of my fight!

I stopped short of a trial to end the madness and force our City Council to stop wasting thousands on attorney fees — “you can never really "win" in the LEGAL system when it comes to these "state crimes".

I did “win” with the exposure of their corruption — basically I ran my defense in our court of public opinion at our council meetings 😉

Along the way, I discovered constitutional (California) tax increase mistakes which they had to reverse and now have to put to our voters in a special measure — so haha.

I do have a better understanding of our civil law and our corrupt institutions, so I’m grateful for that part of the experience.

As we are undoing all the twisted social engineering, currencies, and “science” of the WEF et al., I expect the courts will be undone too — I’m ready to help!

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Ahh, well that's great to hear then! Truth always prevails in the end, but as you suggest, we're a long way from the end!

I wanted to move to Cali about 18 years ago but the business and tax "statutes" were utterly untenable and ludicrous. Frankly I don't know how you all do it. The state is so beautiful but it's been UNLAWFULLY overtaken by a gang of badly brainwashed leftists enacting one destructive LEGAL framework after another.

I've got a couple of relatives out there (Santa Monica) that fell for the communist ideological subversion as beautifully outlined by Yuri Bezmenov. It's so difficult for me to sit back knowing there's absolutely nothing I can do to help them out of their delusions. I tried for years and years in vain but it was all for naught. They're as dug-in to the mainstream narrative as ever which just astonishes me. I have to go back and watch the Bezmenov interview with G. Edward Griffin every few months to remind myself that showing them all the evidence of the madness going on all around us is a hopeless cause. It's no different than talking with a brick wall. The brainwashing at work is just astonishing!

I did a 1-year sabbatical up in Mt. Shasta a few years back and spent it completely off-the-radar gold mining. It was incredibly fun and liberating. I visited virtually the amazing parks and sights as well.

Anyway, I wish you luck with defending sanity and reason amongst the sleepwalkers out there! i know sane people have been fleeing the state in droves these past 3 years with no end in sight. I hope enough folks like you stick around and save Cali from eventually balkanizing and becoming COMMIEfornia some day. Needless to say, you've got your work cut out for you!

Congrats on your win against "the state". Hopefully it doesn't turn out to be a pyrrhic victory.

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Nice shirt 🇺🇸

Natural vs contractual ❤️

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This resonates.

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Isn't it amazing how we keep learning as we go along....no matter what our age?! ;-) The key element seems to be to realize that each of us is an Eternal, Sovereign Being & as such, we should never allow any other person OR Being to have control over our Personal Sovereignty. For this exact reason I personally do not give credence to "channeled" messages.....to each his own, right?! John Dee got in deep doodoo by doing so!! I worship no one because....I AM!! Seems I recall someone else stating that???

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