Beautiful, sad, insightful. Thank you Martin.

God bless.


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Although the building is pleasing to the eye and a wonder to marvel at (thanks to your keen sense of artistry), I sense the absence of spirit through your lens and observations. I gave Christmas a rest this year. No tree. No wreaths. No cards. No gifts. After everything we have been put through psyop after psyop, lies and more lies, persecution from the corporate state-of-mind, social media attacks and shadow banning, I simply could not carry on as usual. I’m just a wet blanket, I suppose. Disillusioned with the whole thing. But somehow I feel free. Lonely, but free. It’s gonna take awhile to adjust, but I will. Unlike that elderly gentleman, I am less enslaved today. As always, mahalo Martin, for your brilliant insights!

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Religious institutions have caused so much sorrow and destruction. You are a child of God Goddess All that IS and need no one to intercede with your God parents and you. Yes, PARENTS. The Divine Mother is also present and the Divine Feminine and Masculine makes up the whole balanced spiritual landscape in us and around us. LOVE IS ALL THERE IS.

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Yes Martin, I came to the same conclusion about all organized religions a long time ago - more intent upon promoting the organization than the message of their particular perception of divinity. I enjoyed singing hymns at school but thereafter, many small enlightenments such as the ones you've portrayed have led me to try and lead my life walking the straight and narrow path that Jesus taught us, whilst largely ignoring religion and the clergy as much as possible. The older I get and the more that is revealed, the happier I am that I made that decision.

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Let's see....we have The Book of Mormon, The Koran, The Bible, The Urantia Book & many other Ancient Writings from which we form societies of like-minded people. Have they served us well?!

Or has it all been just a form of Mind Control? One decides which "Group" one wishes to fit into, right?! And my point is.......? ;-)

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