Sitemap - 2024 - Future of Communications

A citizen's journey to practical legal literacy

Mathematics trek: the next generation

Demoralisation and remoralisation

"People think I don't care, but I do"

What is a fit-for-purpose legal system?

The case for a graceful awakening

An ecliptic week to remember?

Speech in Scotland: gagged, but not silent

How to vibe when facing state extortion?

If farmers are for food security, who is against it?

It really does have to be this (divine will) way

Calling out the crimes of TfL's "official criminals"

A trip to meet the tractor truthers of Truro

I am what I am, my own special creation!

Judge recuses himself from TV Licensing case

"I want it to be there to benefit my grandchildren"

The healing beauty of the lawful workgroup

Public call-up to High Court, London — Palnackie

“All we are doing is making them follow the law”

Anatomy of the DVLA name fraud

Uncommon people resist judicial moral violence

English assemblies as a nascent parallel system

An "official fraud" is still a punishable crime

"I can’t hear a f*ing thing" — the irony of Antifa

The "white van man" fraud case laid bare

Traffic Penalty Tribunal due process complaint

"Spiritual peace" demands naming their fraud

Sword, shield, or serenade?

FAFO time for Durham County Council

We don't need no… court paperwork

I turned the other cheek, and it got slapped

Constitutions lead us towards peace and unity

Disassembly of an administrative lie

Always give errant authority a chance to repent

An example of an equity argument (to plagiarise)

How traffic tribunals end-run the rule of law

Equity is how you can bring your Creator to court

Holding Durham County Council to account (lawfully, even if very slow)

2024 is the final battle… to love yourself

Letter to the minister for Culture, Media and Sport

Is my car a cake or a biscuit?